Plenary Day 3: Lots of Discussion, One Decision

September 17, 2014

Today's plenary session consisted of more debating, but not much action. Thankfully, one item was put to rest that had remained open from yesterday's session.

After much deliberation and an overnight 'sleep on it' message last night from Madame Chair, the countries finally reached consensus today on the proposed recommendations presented by the U.K. regarding Whale Killing Methods & Associated Welfare Issues.

Let's back up to yesterday's discussion on WKM & AWI recommendations:

The statements from Norway and Japan were to be expected; however the statement that followed from the Russian Federation left me scratching my head.

The item did not reach consensus, so the U.K. decided to keep the agenda item open for further consultations with the opposing countries. Later that evening the U.K. uploaded a revised paper for discussion, which basically split the whaling and non-whaling issues, appeasing the whaling countries.

"Fast-forward" to today's plenary:
The proposal was adopted by consensus!


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A special thank you to...

Ken SextonDivya SivaramanLynette Koftinow
Betty and Terry BorgJanet and Joe Faina
Brenda HemkenNicolas BorgDivya Sivaraman

...and everyone else that contributed to make my attendance at the IWC possible