Conservation Committee Convened Today

September 12, 2014

This morning I attended the open U.S. delegation meeting where the U.S. registered NGOs were briefed and allowed to ask questions and make comments or suggestions. The rest of the morning and early afternoon was spent in the Conservation Committee meeting. The agenda covered at the meeting is open for public viewing, however I am not allowed to divulge details of the subcommittee meetings until the respective plenary sessions have concluded.

I encourage anyone who is interested to view more supporting documents and proposals that were discussed at the meeting.


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A special thank you to...

Ken SextonDivya SivaramanLynette Koftinow
Betty and Terry BorgJanet and Joe Faina
Brenda HemkenNicolas BorgDivya Sivaraman

...and everyone else that contributed to make my attendance at the IWC possible