Moving Forward: IWC65 Wrap-up
Considering there were over 50 countries present at IWC65, each with strong opinions on whaling and whale conservation, I think the meeting was very constructive and cordial.
October 7, 2014
Plenary Day 4: Part 2
South Atlantic Whale Sanctuary
Concluding my segment on the South Atlantic Whale Sanctuary (SAWS) schedule amendment, I will present the final decision made today at the plenary session.
September 18, 2014
Plenary Day 4: Part 1
New Zealand Resolution
During subcommittee week, I reported the differing opinions of NGOs on New Zealand's Resolution: Whaling Under Special Permit.
September 18, 2014
Plenary Day 3: Lots of Discussion, One Decision
Today's plenary session consisted of more debating, but not much action. Thankfully, one item was put to rest that had remained open from yesterday's session.
September 17, 2014
Monaco's Resolution on Highly Migratory Species Passed!
A whale of a victory! Okay, maybe a small cetacean of a victory - the motion of Highly Migratory Cetaceans proposed by Monaco strengthening current conservation measures just passed!
September 17, 2014
Stinky Whales on the Menu for Plenary Day Two
The Russian Federation states it has been struggling with stinky whales since the 1990s. Aboriginal hunters were the first to notice an unusual medicinal scent in the whales.
September 16, 2014
Plenary Day One: Aboriginal Subsistence Whaling
The plenary session began with a welcome address, adoption of the agenda, and... a coffee break. We don't want to burn out too soon, you know.
September 15, 2014
Conservation Committee Convened Today
This morning I attended the open U.S. delegation meeting where the U.S. registered NGOs were briefed and allowed to ask questions and make comments or suggestions.
September 12, 2014
Updated Voting Rights and Analysis of SAWS Likelihood
Good news: Like minded countries, Brazil, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, and Oman all had their voting rights restored and will likely be present to vote on SAWS. Bad news: Japan allies Antigua & Barbados and Laos also had their voting rights restored.
September 11, 2014
US Appointee for IWC Commissioner and Finding Solutions to NZ's Resolution
President Obama has announced his intent to nominate Russell Smith and New Zealand's draft resolution for IWC 65 Whaling under Special Permit has been met a difference of opinion between the NGOs.
September 10, 2014
Japan to Declare Revised Scientific Whaling Proposal at IWC
Japan plans on resuming scientific whaling in the Southern Ocean once it makes a few tweaks to the terminology in their scientific research permit proposal since the ruling from the ICJ.
September 5, 2014
Voting Rights and the South Atlantic Whale Sanctuary
The latest voting rights chart and analysis of the countries represented at the IWC this year.
September 5, 2014
The South Atlantic: A Sanctuary for Whales
The Chilean organization, Centro de Conservación Cetacea, provided IWC reps with a briefing on the proposed South Atlantic Whale Sanctuary.
September 3, 2014
Thoughts While Preparing for the IWC
In preparation for the IWC meetings, I reviewed various articles from the scientific community, papers from non-profit stakeholder groups, and watched documentaries with differing perspectives.
September 2, 2014
Welcome to Bubblenetter
I feel incredibly honored to represent the American Cetacean Society at the biennial IWC conference this September.
September 1, 2014